Products Products

Exakt Zest

High yields and excellent process tolerance are just two of the attributes of this well established premium sweet dough concentrate. We add specially selected natural flavours to produce a ‘Zesty’ taste and aroma, meaning consumer appeal is virtually guaranteed.

How to use


kg grms %
Flour (bakers) 32 000 100
Exakt Zest 6 400 20
Yeast 1 600 5
Water +/ - 17 920 56
Total dough weight 57 920



> Mix flour, Exakt Zest, Yeast and water on slow speed for 2 minutes, then 8 minutes on fast speed using spiral mixer. Mix into well developed  dough

> Dough temperature: 27° - 28°C (80° - 82°F)

> Scale into heads (55 grm units)

> Intermediate proof: 5 minutes +/ -

> Final proof: 45 - 50 minutes

>  Proof temperature: 30° 

>  Relative humidity: 80°C

> Bake temperature: 230°C (450°F)

> Bake time: 12 minutes

Contact the team to find your nearest wholesaler or discuss industrial solutions. 


Product Weight / Volume Code
Exakt Zest 15kg bag 14559
Exakt Zest