Recipes Recipes

Cinnamon Twists


Group Weight / Volume Unit Product
Flour (bakers) 2 000 100
Exakt Zest 0 320 16
Yeast 0 60 3
Water +/- 1 080 54



  • Mix flour, Exakt Zest, yeast and water on slow speed for 2 minutes, then 5 minutes on medium speed using spiral mixer. Make the dough fairly tight
  • Once mixed allow to rest for about 5 minutes and then proceed to sheet out the dough to a thickness of approximately 3-4mm
  • Lay out the sheeted dough and from the top spread with cinnamon paste, leaving 20mm unpasted at the bottom edge. Brush with water along the bottom edge
  • Roll the dough from top to bottom (as for Chelsea Buns) ensuring a good seal is made on the bottom edge
  • Divide into lengths that will fit onto baking tray, then cut into two equal parts along the entire length of the rolled dough. Turn the two lengths uppermost, showing the internal laminations. Starting from the middle, cross each piece over itself to create a twist (plaited) effect. Repeat the process on the other end
  • Prove for: 45 minutes at 30°C - 75% relative humidity
  • Once proved bake at: 220-230°C for about 15 minutes
  • Once cooled finish with fondant, flaked almonds or peanuts and spin with chocolate