Our commitment to
Clean Energy
We actively contribute to the transition from fossil to sustainable energy sources and reduce our energy consumption where possible and feasible. For example, by using more renewable energy and reducing transport emissions.
Our ambitions:
- To meet the targets set in the 2015 Paris Agreement: a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030 and EU-wide climate neutrality by 2050.
- To use only sustainably sourced (green) power by the end of 2023.
- To roll out our "Solar panel on every roof" program, aiming to cover >50,000 m2
Solar panels on every roof
To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we’re continually looking for opportunities to switch from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources where we can. And one strategy is to generate such energy ourselves. In 2020, we started a Group-wide project to install solar panels on every suitable roof.
We will gradually roll out solar roofs over the coming years, in +10 countries. Use the link below to learn how this ambitious project is helping us to reduce our environmental footprint.
Green electricity contracts
In addition to generating solar power ourselves, we continued a Group-wide project that focuses on the procurement of green energy.
In some cases, we have set up partnerships with local energy collectives. For example, in the Netherlands, we partnered with Zeeuwind, a cooperative that allows individuals, companies, and municipalities to pool resources and invest in wind farms and solar projects.
By concluding new electricity contracts (or renegotiating existing ones), we aim to use only green electricity by the end of 2023.
Discover our partners for a greener future
Transport & Travel
A significant proportion of our greenhouse gas emissions originates from transport and travel. To reduce these emissions, we are developing an ambitious but realistic roadmap. The first step is to measure our Group-wide CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 3) from transport in 2023.
Meanwhile, we’re already achieving results by improving the energy efficiency of our fleet. For example, we’re running a pilot project in which solar panels are installed on the roofs of trucks. We are also optimizing delivery routes.
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